Reiki and Rest deeply support your body, mind and soul.

"Ego says ‘Once everything falls into place, I'll find peace. Spirit says ‘find your peace and everything will fall into place”

- Marianne Williamson

Welcome home to yourself.

I am Sara, founder and owner of Connect to Calm.  

At the heart of my offerings is a deep wish to show you how Reiki and Rest provide a delightful doorway towards creating a healthier, happier life with a peaceful heart.

I support women step from feeling depleted, overstretched or burnt out, and who are curious in the realm of energy and natural healing to:

  • feel more energetically resourced,

  • have a greater sense of inner calm and peace

  • feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. 

  • awaken and deepen your own innate inner healing ability

Reiki and Rest deeply support your body, mind and soul. They are so simple and yet so very potent. They are so natural and grounding and yet enriched with a golden thread of connection to the magic and mystery of life.

It’s time to…

✦ Step out of the chatter of your mind and sink into the well of wisdom held in the body

✦ Tend to your wellbeing and incorporate simple ways of being that sustain and preserve your energy

✦ Trust that, by slowing down, it is possible to uncover what is beautiful and true as it is  

✦ Strengthen your connection to your natural innate healing ability, bolster your life force and see the miracle of your true nature

✦ Expand your awareness into the magical, stay open to the mysterious and connect with the energy of life

Ways to work with me

Rest with me

Yoga Nidra & Restorative Practices to soothe and support.

Receive Reiki

Receive a wonderfully healing Reiki treatment with me.

Reiki Training

Want to learn how to give Reiki to others? Train with me.

Kind words from others

Receive the gift of rest

If you feel as though there is another way to live and be in this world, you are warmly invited to join me on this nurturing journey of rest, renewal, healing, self discovery and transformation.